Call For Applications Erasmus+ Program: Student Mobility For Studies

In the framework of the program ERASMUS+ of the European Commission, Abdellah Morsli University Center of Tipaza announces a call for allocation of grants for Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies.
Duration of mobility: 1 semester (academic year 2022/2023)
Receiving university: Powiślański University, Poland
Available quota:•01 Bachelor student (Institute of Economic Sciences)
Deadline for application: 15 November 2022
This procedure will be accomplished by internal Commission, that will conduct an evaluation of interested candidates through certain criteria. Candidates will be ranked and selected according to the available quota for mobility approved by Erasmus+ agreement and the following criteria:
• Grade Point Average: %50
• Level of English: %50
• Student With Disability: +10 points
• Previous Erasmus Mobility Experience: -10 points
Documents to attach to your application
Copy of the passport
Certificate of registration
Transcripts of records
Foreign language certificate (English)
Motivation letter in English
CV in English