Vice Rectorate of Development and Foresight

Missions of the Vice Rectorate

The assistant manager of Development and planning have to:

  • Muster the necessary elements, to prepare development plans for the university center.
  • Conduct prospective studies regarding the evolution of student numbers and propose the procedures for their support, their educational and administrative supervision.
  • Update of the statistical file of the university center.
  • Prepare informative bases for the educational paths guaranteed by the University Center and their professional outlets.
  • Assist students’ information activities, mainly those which is help them in training orientation.
  • Confer the construction programs and ensure the execution of university center equipment’s programs with concerned services.


Statistics and planning Department:

This service is responsible for updating the statistical file of the university center and lead prospective studies to remedy student’s number growth. It also proposes the procedures to take the students in charge and to supervise them pedagogically and administratively.

Information and orientation service:

This service is responsible about preparing the information bases for the educational paths, guaranteed by the University Center and their professional opportunities.

Following construction and equipment programs service :

This service monitors construction programs and the execution of university center equipment’s programs with the relevant departments.


Dr. Salah Eddine GUEDRI, Vice Rcotor in charge of Development and Foresight Email:

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