Studies and Schooling

The organization of training to obtain a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree is as follows (Extract from: Decision number 171 dated February 09, 2023)

1. Training for obtaining a Bachelor’s degree is conducted in the form of semesters.

   – The duration of training to obtain a Bachelor’s degree is three years, which is equivalent to six semesters.

– Training for obtaining a Master’s degree in the University Center of Tipaza is conducted over two years, which is equivalent to four (04) semesters

   This training is tailored to academic or professional fields of specialization. It is integrated into the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees through the following educational units:

– Foundational educational units

– Methodological educational units

– Horizontal educational units

– Exploratory educational units

These educational units consist of mandatory and optional courses. The training for obtaining a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree includes a combination of lectures, directed work, practical assignments, seminars, internships, workshops, and more.

 Forms of Assessment

The student is evaluated on a semester basis and progresses on an annual basis.

Assessment can take the form of continuous monitoring or a final exam, or both.

The specific forms of assessment are determined in the training program.

  • The assessment should target the student’s achievements and competencies, particularly in the relevant fields, and should aim to promote critical thinking, summarization, analysis, and constructive feedback.
  • At the beginning of each semester, the department head, in consultation with the training team, establishes the schedule, teaching methods, and forms of assessment, which are communicated to students and faculty through all available means of communication.

Student assessment includes the following:

– Lessons

– Guided exercises

– Practical assignments

– Workshops

– Field trips

– Practical internships

– Individual work

The grade for guided exercises is calculated based on the student’s assessment marks.

The grade for practical assignments or workshops is based on examination marks and report marks, according to a specific weighting defined in the training program.

The assessment methods and their weighting are determined in the training program.

There are two exam sessions for each semester as follows:

The first session, called the regular session, and the second session, called the makeup session.

The makeup session is held after the annual evaluations of the regular sessions have been conducted.

The student acquires a unit by successfully completing all the constituent subjects of that unit.

Acquiring a unit also leads to the accumulation of credits assigned to it.

A unit can also be acquired through compensation if the weighted average of the marks obtained in its constituent subjects equals or exceeds ten out of twenty (20/10).

The credits obtained for a unit can be retained at the same stage of training or transferred to another unit.

Under no circumstances should a student be excluded from one of the constituent subjects of a unit if they have acquired that unit, regardless of the marks obtained in other subjects.

In all cases, the acquired subjects remain valid and can be retained.

Article 51:

A semester is acquired by a student who successfully completes all the educational units constituting it, provided that the semester’s grade is equal to or exceeds ten out of twenty (20/20).

A semester can also be acquired through compensation between the educational units constituting it, weighted by their credits, with the requirement that the semester’s grade is equal to or exceeds ten out of twenty (10/20).

Acquiring a semester also leads to the accumulation of thirty (30) credits.

Article 52:

Transfer from the first year to the second year of the training program for a Bachelor’s degree is allowed for a student who:

– Has acquired the first two semesters of the training path with a total of sixty (60) credits, either through compensation or without compensation.

– Has acquired at least forty-five (45) credits between the two semesters.

Article 53:

Transfer from the second year to the third year of the training program for a Bachelor’s degree is allowed for a student who:

– Has acquired the first four semesters of the training path with a total of one hundred and twenty (120) credits, either through compensation or without compensation.

– Has acquired at least one hundred and five (105) credits.

Article 54:

In the case of transferring from one program to another, the student’s performance is evaluated, taking into consideration the mark obtained in the relevant subject in the previous program if it is higher than the mark obtained during the current academic year.

Article 55:

In case of failure in the regular session, the student can participate in the remedial session for the exams related to the educational units not acquired. In this case, the student retains the acquired subjects and takes the exams for the subjects not acquired.

The final grade for a subject is the average between the continuous assessment grade, if applicable, and the highest obtained mark in the regular and remedial sessions.

Article 57:

A student is not allowed to exceed five (5) years in the training program for obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, even in the case of redirection.

A student who has acquired one hundred and twenty (120) credits during the five (5) years of the training path is eligible to register for an exceptional sixth (6th) year, with an additional benefit.

Article 60:

A student is allowed to transfer from the first year to the second year of the Master’s degree program if they have acquired the first two semesters of the training path with a total of sixty (60) credits, whether through compensation or without compensation.

The second year of the training is acquired without compensation between the third and fourth semesters.

In case of failure in the regular session, the student can participate in the makeup session for the exams related to the non-acquired educational units. In this case, the student retains the acquired materials and proceeds to take the exams for the non-acquired materials.

The final grade for the course is based on the continuous assessment grade, if available, and the higher grade obtained between the regular and makeup sessions.

Article 61:

A student is not allowed to exceed three (3) years in the training program for obtaining a Master’s degree.

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