
Tipaza International Conference on University Entrepreneurship

And under the personal patronage of mister:
The Wali of the wilaya of Tipaza

TIPAZA University Business Incubator
Organize the first edition of: Tipaza International Conference on University Entrepreneurship


University Entrepreneurship: A Lever for Effective Economic Diversification in Algeria

Academic Axes of the Conference
The axes of the conference are summarized as follows:

  • The first axis: Entrepreneurship in University Institutions: Mechanisms and Achievements
  • The second axis: University Entrepreneurship and the ECOSYSTEM
  • The third axis: University Entrepreneurship and Innovative Projects

Participation Requirements

  • The intervention must be related to one of the forum’s axes
  • The intervention must be modern and original and must not have been previously
  • The intervention will be presented in the following languages: Arabic, English and
  • Font: for interventions in Arabic “Traditionl arabic 16” and in English and French “Times
    new roman 12”
  • All submitted interventions will be subject to arbitration by the scientific committee of
    the conference before acceptance
  • Only individual interventions or joint written by two authors contributions are accepted
  • Priority for acceptance is given to contributions with applied studies;
  • The number of pages of the intervention content must not exceed 15 pages.
  • The abstract sent for participation must not exceed 250 words.

Important Dates
Conference date: October 09th and 10th, 2024
Deadline for Abstracts Submission: September 03rd, 2024
Responding to Abstract Submission: March 24th, 2024
Deadline to Receive Full Intervention Manuscript: September 19th, 2024

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