Hydro-agricultural development

Training Objectives

The objective of the training is to develop the skills and expertise necessary to address numerous current issues related to the water and agriculture sector in the Tipaza province. The main challenges include:

1. Increasing drought along the Algerian coastline, necessitating the continuous inclusion of irrigation in the agricultural practices of farmers.

2. Decreased water supply allocated to the agricultural sector in the region due to disruptions in rainfall, requiring rational water management.

3. The need to increase water resources through the construction of hill reservoirs, water ponds, and the development of springs for small-scale hydraulic systems, as a substitute for dams facing significant sedimentation issues.

4. Unsatisfactory water quality, requiring competencies to mitigate soil degradation resulting from the use of poor-quality water.

5. The use of non-conventional water sources, particularly wastewater from treatment plants, necessitates technical expertise in irrigation and regulatory aspects.

6. The national policy aiming to integrate desalinated seawater in irrigation, given its high cost, requires the improvement of irrigation network efficiency.

7. Groundwater pollution resulting from intensive agriculture.

Target Profiles and Professional Skills

Upon completion of the Master’s program in Hydro-agricultural Development, students will acquire the following skills:

– Sizing and installation of irrigation and drainage networks.

– Technical management of irrigated areas.

– Optimization and economic profitability of irrigation networks.

– Design and supervision of hydro-agricultural developments.

– Rational and sustainable exploitation of agricultural potential.

– Protection of irrigated areas against degradation.

– Monitoring soil pollution levels and water resources.

– Achieving economically significant and regular production levels in the agricultural sector.

– Development of new agricultural lands.

– Economic valorization of irrigation water.

Regional and National Employment Opportunities for Graduates

Our training program aligns with the natural potential of the Tipaza province, which is part of the Mitidja plain, where highly dynamic agricultural sectors such as citrus farming, market gardening (tomatoes, potatoes), and beekeeping in mountainous areas to the west of the province emerge. Numerous professional projects have been initiated by the Forest Department, the Agricultural Services Department, and the Water Resources Department, providing future graduates with various prospects, including the study and design of irrigation networks, implementation of irrigation systems, fertilizer unit establishment, and irrigation perimeter diagnostics.

Course Structure

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